
Live Demos at SysMus17

There are three live demos to get hands on at SysMus17!


1.     TouchKeys transforms the piano-style keyboard into an expressive multi-touch control surface. Capacitive touch sensors on the surface of each key measure the position of each finger, letting the player intuitively add pitch bends, vibrato, timbre changes and other expressive effects.

2.     The D-Box is a digital musical instrument which is designed to be modified and hacked by the performer. Designed to be simple and apparently limited at first encounter, opening the side of the box reveals a breadboard of circuits which can be freely rewired to achieve unexpected and sometimes chaotic effects.

3.     The Adapted Bass Guitar is a prototype accessible instrument designed for bass players with upper limb disability. Inspired by musical robotics projects, the bass features an actuated fretting mechanism which is accessible by a MIDI controller. This preserves the role of the plucking hand and transfers fretting to an alternate limb (for example the feet).

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